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Monday, September 18, 2006


Indigestion or dyspepsia is basically an upset stomach. It happens when you eat too much, too fast or foods that don't agree with you. Indigestion causes heartburn, that burning feeling that travels from the chest to the neck and throat leaving a sour taste in the mouth.

This happens when stomach acid flow backwards into the esophagus. As the esophagus has no protective lining, the acid causes irritation. Heart burn which is caused by reflux or the backward flow of acid can be controlled by bringing about a few lifestyle changes.

Do these -
  • Adopt a low-fat diet that includes a balance of protien, starches and fiber-rich vegetables and fruits. Avoid fatty foods as they take longer to digest.
  • Limit coffee, tea, cola drinks and other sources of caffeine a it promotes high acid production.
  • Cut down on citrus fruits and juices as they can also cause problems.
  • Avoid eating large meals especially in the later part of the day.
  • Do not eat in the 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Sit up straight after meals as bending over and lying down increases pressure on the stomach and promotes reflux.
  • Stop smoking as nicotine relaxes the sphincter muscle which connects the esophagus to the stomach.
  • Limit tomato based and other acidic foods.
  • People who find that a spicy meal is followed by indigestion are better off shunning spicy foods.


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