Painful Arthritis - Diet
The most common types of Arthritis are -
1. Osteoarthritis - A painful condition in which the joint cartilage gradually breaks down.
2. Rheumatoid Arthritis - A systematic disease that can cause severe pain and crippling. It develops when an overactive immune system attacks connective tissues in joints and other organs, causing inflammation and pain.
Arthritis is characterised by joint inflammation, stiffness, swelling and pain.
Diet and Arthritis:
1. Research has shown that patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis experience a marked reduction in swelling, pain and redness of joints by adding omega-3 fatty acids to their diet as these have anti inflammatory properties. They can be found in cold water fishes like sardines, salmon and mackerel.
2. Patients of rheumatoid Arthritis should avoid eating the more common omega-6 fatty acids found in soy, corn, safflower and sunflower oils as these are pro-inflammatory.
3. Eating VitaminC-rich foods help slow the progression of osteoarthritis as these help in the manufacture of collagen.
4. Research has also shown that a vegetarian diet including fruits, vegetables and grains contribute important anti oxidants that can help counter some of the inflammation.